Friday, September 12, 2014

BF1942 Origin SDK/Aimbot

BF1942:”SDK” – SDK for Battlefield 1942

Bone based Aimbot and simpel ESP exampel on how to use the “SDK”

Author said: “Here is a little something I’ve been working on doing the winter, I know it’s a bit stupid as no one ever plays this old game anymore,
anyways since this game never had a real aimbot released for it I decided that it was about time it got one.

I’ve haven’t been able to test this online, its tested on a LAN server
witch is the same so it should work online without PB running as it will be detected but that should be easy to change.:)

I tried to keep this in same syntax as in Patricks SDK for BF2. There are some small differances though.

Objects/Template components accesed a little differently as the main differance.
So here you go folks, I hope there still are a few left that will enjoy this release.
if you have problems compiling using vs2005 as it dont have dx8 support then just make a new project in some older vs version.
included libci.lib is from vs2003.

One more thing, i’ve use a no-cd patch when reversing, i don’t know if it has effected the static offsets but i dont think.”